There's nothing like being able to work on your favorite video game. For me, that was Apex Legends.
I got to go behind the scenes and work on a handful of seasonal launches for the live first-person shooter that gave me an even deeper appreciation for the art & lore and connection to the game. As the head production designer on multiple projects, I oversaw and handled final key art production, crops, marketing assets, and seasonal brand guidelines. 
Branding • Digital Production • Key Art & Crops • Visual Guidelines • Asset Management
I was in charge of seeing each season through from concept to delivery, working with the team to assist during conception and handoff, I then would take the season's system from the logo to backgrounds to the color palette and start building out the guidelines for the season. 
The most important part of each season was the final key art, which I would QC and proceed to create a variety of crops to cover digital marketing needs for multiple channels.
Once completed, we would then handoff the final production files to the client, Respawn, as well as update their brand management system. They would then launch the new season on the live game. ​​​​​​​


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