Respawn's Apex Legends became such a huge hit that they were ready to take things to mobile.
Together with Respawn and Tencent, we worked on and branded several seasons that launched live on the mobile first-person shooter gaming app. We created a branding guideline as a foundation that would help structure the story of the new game and each season. My role as Lead Production Designer was to oversee each season come to an organized fruition, gearing up our clients with the proper assets for a successful launch. Each season had multiple final assets ranging from key art, crops, marketing assets, motion, and a brand guide for each season. 
Branding • Digital Production • Key Art & Crops • Visual Guidelines • Asset Management
I was in charge of seeing each season through from concept to delivery, working with the team to assist during conception and handoff. I then would take the season's system from the logo to backgrounds to the color palette and start building out the guidelines for the season. 
The most important part of each season was the final key art, which I would QC and proceed to create a variety of crops to cover digital marketing needs for multiple channels.
Once completed, we would then handoff the final production files to the client, Respawn, which they would then launch on the live game.​​​​​​​


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